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Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging at HubSpot

We're working to build a company you're proud to grow with.

Our mission at HubSpot is to help millions of organizations grow better. That's why we view diversity, inclusion, and belonging (DI&B) as mission critical, not just nice to have.

Our customers and partners around the world speak countless languages, go by different pronouns, and have unique racial identities. To help our community grow, we need to build a company that's reflective of their diversity. 

So whether you’re a customer, employee, or part of our broader community, we’re committed to helping you do your best work. Our promise is to champion diversity, build an inclusive culture and product, and do our part to create a more equitable world. We can't promise we'll always get it right, but we'll always put our people (that's you) first.

Here are a few of our commitments to the HubSpot community.

  1. HubSpot_2021_Diversity_Report

    We will build an inclusive place to work.

    You can't do your best work if you can't be your best self. That's why our goal with DI&B programming at HubSpot is to create an inclusive culture where employees of all backgrounds and abilities feel they belong. We've built active employee resource groups including People of Color at HubSpot, BLACKHub, Families@HubSpot, Women@HubSpot, and the LGBTQ+ Alliance. We've published HubSpot's diversity data annually since 2017 to be transparent and track our progress. It includes employee demographic data by gender, ethnicity, age, and self-reported data on parental status and expanded gender identities.

    View the 2023 diversity report.
  2. Black Lives Matter quote from HubSpot

    We will actively promote equity and inclusion.

    Thanks to our thousands of customers, partners, and users, HubSpot has a wide-reaching platform. We believe we have a responsibility to use that platform to ignite support for underrepresented groups, challenge the status quo, and advocate for equal access to opportunities. Read our co-founder & CEO's open letter to the Black community in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and his call for companies to help their customers and employees vote. If you, too, are just getting started with standing up for equity, we're here to help no matter where you are on your allyship journey.

    Visit the allyship resources guide.
  3. headshots of INBOUND 2020 event speakers

    We will amplify underrepresented communities.

    We learn a lot from minority-owned businesses, female founders, and BIPOC leaders. So what's more important than using our platform to promote our own thinking on equity and diversity, is to use it to amplify others and the impactful work they're doing. Whether that's through customer case studies, our annual INBOUND event speaker lineup, or the voices we bolster on social media, we know we should be doing more to create space instead of taking it up.

Now, a confession ...

We wish we'd made many of these commitments sooner. Our customers, partners, and employees deserve better, and we will continue to put in the work to make you proud to work with HubSpot.

We aren't the diverse company we aspire to be yet, but we will continue to hold ourselves accountable to our community. Because we agree with Louis Brandeis: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."